The Aqueous Class

class ionize.Aqueous[source]

Access the properties of water.

activity(valence, ionic_strength, temperature)

Return activity coefficients of a charge state.


Return the Bjerrum length of the solvent.

debye(ionic_strength, temperature)

Return the Debye length of the solvent.


Return the Debye-Huckel constant, in M^-(1/2).

classmethod dielectric(temperature)[source]

Return the dielectric constant of water at a specified temperature.

The temperature should be specified in Celcius. Correlation is based on the CRC handbook.

dissociation(ionic_strength, temperature)

Return the dissociation constant of water.

classmethod henry_CO2(temperature)[source]

Returns the henry’s law constant for CO2.

ionic_strength(pH=None, temperature=None)

Return the ion contribution to ionic strength.

pKs(ionic_strength, temperature)

Return the pKs for the solvent.


Return the reference value of pKs at the reference temperature.

classmethod viscosity(temperature)[source]

Return the viscosity of water at the specified temperature.

Correlation is based on Fox and McDonald’s Intro to Fluid Mechanics.